Tera Bank Slots Unlock


The bank in Star Trek Online is a universal storage facility for any inventory items. Items placed into any bank will appear in all banks throughout the galaxy and would be available for retrieval no matter which bank was visited.

An additional 12 bank slots (character unlock) can be purchased from the Zen Store for 300, up to seventeen (17) times per character.Should a character at or near the limit receive a promotional bundle that would put them over the limit of Bank slots, an account-bound Promo - Additional Bank Slots will be placed in their inventory instead. You can buy a CD key for about €10 (Standard Edition) - this will unlock character slots up to number 8, as well as 4 bank tabs overall, plus a TERA Club 37-day trial. If you don't want to buy a CD key, you can switch to logging in without Steam. This question has indeed been asked many times. Tera Bank Slots Unlock, spar casino monaco, epiphone 339 vs casino coupe, casino montreal opening hours.

Cargo Bay[edit edit source]

Tera Bank Slots Unlocker

For the purposes of item possession for Ship and officer injuries and duty officer assignments, the contents of the bank are available even if they are not in your character's inventory.

Example: A medical assignment that requires 5 Medical Supplies is considered still a plannable assignment even though you have no Medical Supplies in your inventory, but have the minimum amount in your bank. If your ship sustains an injury, Minor components can be used to repair the ship even though you have no Minor Components in your inventory, but have the minimum amount in your Bank. If a rare sample trace is required for an assignment, the same assignment can be planned with the trace still in your bank and not in your inventory, and so on.

Bank slots[edit edit source]

For Gold players, your bank gains more slots as you progress through the game allowing you to store more items.

Lieutenant Commander72
Rear Admiral, Lower HalfBrigadier General108
Rear Admiral, Upper HalfMajor General120
Vice AdmiralLieutenant General132

Tera Bank Slots Unlocks

Common Inventory
* * Rewarded as part of a Special Promotion.

This part of the Promo Bundle has remained unpacked because your character is already at or near the max number of available Bank Slots that may be purchased. This package may be traded to other characters on your account, and applied to any character that is not at/near this upper limit.

An additional 12 bank slots (character unlock) can be purchased from the Zen Store for 300 , up to seventeen (17) times per character. Should a character at or near the limit receive a promotional bundle that would put them over the limit of Bank slots, an account-bound [Promo - Additional Bank Slots] will be placed in their inventory instead.


Account-Shared Bank[edit edit source]


An Account-Shared Bank is extra inventory that all characters on a given account have access to unlike normal bank storage. Gold Players were granted free access to 20 slots of Account-Shared Bank storage while silver players must buy initial access to 10 slots of storage. These have a capacity of 1 billion energy credits.

An additional 10 account-shared bank slots can be purchased from the Zen Store for 1000 . Gold players can purchase additional access up to ten times to total 120 slots while silver players are granted up to 100 total slots.

Tera Bank Slots Unlocked

See Also[edit edit source]

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